Free We Hosting in Pakistan
Most of visitors ask this question to our team that how can they obtain free web hosting from Pakistani hosting company. Actually there are many hosting companies on internet which are providing free web hosting to webmasters. But most of free hosting companies are not reliable. Even they do not allow Pakistani websites on their serviers because of terrorism in Pakistan. According to the last year free top hosting report most of free hosting accounts had been deleted due to Pakistani contents. So people want a reliable free web hosting with all services like paid hosting. Actually when a person starts new website then he could not pay annual fee for web hosting. We moreover suggest to all new webmasters for free web hosting service. But it is not effortless to obtain a free & reliable web hosting with all paid hosting services. But today we are sharing a very significant information with all AchiSite.COM visitors. Specially those people who have interest in websites. Now they can obtain free hosting account with below specification from is a most reliable web hosting company in Pakistan which is providing free hosting services for all new webmasters. Even is moreover providing paid share hosting, vps server & dedicated servers. But here we are talking approximately free hosting plan. free hosting plan has below specification.
Free Hosting Specifications
Disk Space : 10,000 MB
Monthly Bandwidth : 100 GB
Domains Allowed : 10
cPanel Control Panel : Vista Panel
Monthly Backup : Yes
FTP Accounts : 10
24×7 Support : Yes
Money Back Guarantee : Free Account
MySQL Database : 10
Email Accounts : 10
Parked Domains : 10
Sub Domains : 10
another best thing for is satisfactory & swift speed of all free hosting servers. Even users of account can obtain assist anytime from experts. You can moreover upgrade your hosting plan from free hosting to paid share hosting, vps or dedicated server anytime. VeryCheapHost.COM paid hosting has very low price hosting plans with Pakistani payment methods. Pakistani webmaster can pay monthly or annual fee through EasyPaisa, Bank Account, Credit Card, Payza or Paypal. Most of payment methods are not available in Pakistan. So Pakistani webmasters can pay their fee through easypaisa or bank transfer. If you have any question regarding this article then please leave your question at the bottom of this article in comments field.
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